The FarmTree Tool

The FarmTree Tool is a software-based model with an online interface meant to enable land users and landscape stakeholders to design agroforestry systems, and project their performance in terms of production, financial, and agro-ecological indicators. 

The FarmTree Tool combines site-specific farmer, plot, climate, soil and species data into a plot scenario, and generates projections for a desired period of time. 

The tool be accessed by anyone for free with a FarmTree®Tool Demo account and a pre-set demo dataset. Licensed clients also receive a tailor-made dataset with the species and inputs relevant to their region, calibrated with local data upon request. 

The Tool is under constant development of new functionalities and indicators to support different users in their objectives. 

 Check the latest updates in the Tool release blog

FarmTree Tool Indicators

+90 key performance indicators directly linking to SGD goals

brown tree trunk on brown soil


Plot cover by species


Water balance

NPK stock


Growth limiting factors

assorted fruits at the market


Fresh and Dry yields

Fresh and Dry yields per product category

silver round coins on white surface


Revenue by species

Input costs


Annual and cumulative balances

Balance per labour day

baby clinging on back


Labour by gender

Labour by component

green trees on brown soil


Biomass accumulation

CO2e stock

Carbon Removal Units (CRUs)

CO2e revenue by species

The FarmTree Model

Agroforestry plot model 

The FarmTree Model is divided into different sub-models interconnected to each other which simulate the different dynamics in the agro-system (soil model, nutrient model, water model, vegetation layer cover model, growth constrains model, biomass production model, carbon model and economic model).

Several datasets are combined (tool user input data, site-specific climate and soil data, and tree/crop biophysical variables) to generate the desired plot projections indicators. 

Download the FarmTree Model Methodology

Landscape model

We aggregate plot projections from different scenarios to generate landscape-level impact assessment. 

The landscape model allows to compare the combined performance of Business-as-Usual (BAU) plots versus alternative investment scenarios, such as agroforestry, to estimate total Project impact. 

Components of Agricultural Systems (CAFS) Database

The FarmTree Model is linked to our in-house Components of Agricultural Systems (CAFS) Database, which include perennial species, annual species, and agricultural inputs. Over 900 CAFS are stored in the online CAFS database and their characteristics defined in terms of biophysical properties, financial performance and labour requirements. 

The online CAFS database is crucial for effective data management, quality and transparency, allowing for continuous improvement of data accuracy and scalability of the FarmTree Model. The online CAFS database has a user-friendly UX/UI, providing excellent accessibility for agroforestry experts and enabling efficient calibration.