FarmTree Tool licenses to suit your needs
Whether you're starting with agro-forestry modelling in your project or choosing new tool features for your team, we've got you covered.
Demo Tool
All available performance indicators for:
- Environment
- 11 demo species (annual and perennial) +2 demo inputs (chosen from all available for that region)
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Focus Tool
One of the 3 performance indicator packages:
- Carbon
- Finance
- Environment
- Up to 10 species (annual and perennial) +2 inputs (chosen from all available for that region)
- 2 X 15min support
- Tool add-ons available!
Premium Tool
All 3 performance indicator packages:
- Carbon
- Finance
- Environment
- Up to 15 species (annual and perennial) +5 inputs (chosen from all available for that region)
- 2 x 60min online live training
- Tool add-ons available!
FarmTree Tool add-ons
Upgrade your package with one or more of the following add-ons
Tool add-ons
- Add new species or inputs
- Calibration of species or inputs (with quality data provided by the client)
- Access to all available region data: climates, species, inputs (depending on data availability)
- Model upgrade (new indicators, case-by-case)
- Tool customization (e.g. watershed tool, cocoa tool, etc.)
Prices depend on assignment size and other factors
Additional services
FarmTree offers additional services to support Tool users with quantitative projection of agroforestry system performance at any scale.
Field data collection
Any projection of agroforestry systems starts with the collection of data on species' performance as a monocrop and in agroforestry at the location of interest, as well as production costs and local prices of products. At FarmTree, we carry out data collection with partners through field visits, and integrate it in the tool to reflect context-specific performance.
Agro-system capturing
The FarmTree Tool allows to capture different agricultural systems to compare their performance. We use the Tool interface to design scenarios so we can for example compare:
- Monocrops, +shade trees, +fruit trees, in different compositions and intensities
- Project technical and marketing capacity building impact on plot performance
- Current, medium and intensive climate change scenarios
Each scenario leads to a plot projection with agro-ecological, economic, social and carbon indicators
Reporting on selected performance indicator(s)
Once agro-system scenarios are captured in the Tool, each scenario leads to a plot projection with different performance on environmental (carbon, erosion), social (labour) and financial (investments, cash flows, break-even point) indicators. We report these differences in performance indicators between monocrop versus several agroforestry systems, or between any scenario defined.
Landscape level impact assessment
FarmTree Tool can also be used to estimate the future impact of or landscape restoration projects. For this we require some project information, such as:
- Project intervention Land Cover Classes
- Baseline, Business-As-Usual, and +Project scenarios
- Location and Scale by which interventions take place
This allows us to calculate project impact prior project implementation
Large scale project proposal budget preparations (e.g. GCF)
Project ex-ante impact assessments are a crucial annex to large landscape restoration project proposals. In that case FarmTree provides services as part of a larger project formulation team. Alternatively, FarmTree guides team members or provides them with the required agroforestry projections.
Tool Training
FarmTree produces training materials (clips, manuals, documentation) as well as online or live training on data collection and scenario projection protocols; particularly to partners with a subscription to one of the available tools.