The FarmTree Tool

The FarmTree Tool is a software modelonline interface created to design agroforestry scenarios, and project their impact on carbon, financial, and environmental indicators. 

The tool combines site-specific farm, climate, soil and species data into a plot scenario, and generates up to 50 years of projections. 

Try out the FarmTree Tool Demo (FREE) and see by yourself how it can support your landscape restoration objectives!

FarmTree Tool Indicators

+90 key performance indicators from 3 impact areas directly linking to SGD goals


  • Biomass accumulation
  • Carbon stock
  • Carbon Removal Units (CRUs)
  • Carbon revenue by species 
silver round coins on white surface


  • Yields
  • Production costs and revenues
  • Cash-flows
  • Profitability
  • Labour needs 


  • Biodiversity
  • Water balance
  • Soil organic matter
  • Nutrient stock
  • Erosion  

The FarmTree Toolkit

An Agroforestry Model 

The FarmTree Model is composed of interconnected sub-models which simulate the dynamics of an agricultural system (soil, nutrients, water, plant growth, production, carbon, and finance).

Several datasets are combined (user data, climate and soil data at the location, and species characteristics) to generate the desired plot projections indicators. 

Want to learn more about the model calculations? 

Download the FarmTree Model Methodology

Our Landscape Tool 

We aggregate plot projections from different scenarios into a landscape-level impact assessment. 

The landscape model allows to compare the performance of Business-as-Usual (BAU) versus alternative scenarios (such as agroforestry) to estimate total Project Impact. 

Interested in the Landscape Tool? 

Contact us!

CAFS Database

The FarmTree model is linked to our in-house Components of Agricultural Systems (CAFS) Database, where +900 species and inputs with relevance in agroforestry are defined. This includes perennial and annual species and their biophysical and financial characteristics. 

This online database is crucial for effective data management, transparency, and accuracy of the FarmTree Tool. Perfect for agroforestry experts who want to take their projects to the next level.

Interested in calibrating the FarmTree Tool with your field data? 

Ask for access to the CAFS Database!