Open Application

Wageningen, Netherlands

FarmTree is a start-up service provider specialising in supporting landscape restoration initiatives, in particular Agroforestry, through impact quantification. FarmTree's mission is to ‘make cost-benefit analysis accessible to smallholder farmers and their supporters’. The FarmTree flagship instrument is the FarmTree® Tool that forecasts economic, environmental and social impact of Agroforestryscenarios. Through this, FarmTree contributes to the realisation of Sustainable Development Goals such as no poverty, biodiversity, climate action, and gender equity.

To this end, FarmTree is developing advisory products, including

  • Agroforestry system capture
  • Agroforestry scenario performance projections
  • Land restoration project economic and financial analysis
  • Single-issue tools for financial or carbon balance planning

FarmTree's tool are based on a combination of field data capture and IT development with the aim to unlock information that agroforestry practitioners require in project planning and monitoring.

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